The 64th CANUSA Games weekend has quickly come to an end. We hope that your experience was positive and rewarding. It warmed our hearts to hear the positive and generous comments made by families from both sides of the border who enjoyed the CANUSA experience for the first time. It was also gratifying to see many of you return again this year. You participated and shared in this unique team, family, and sporting relationship that has united our cities for many generations. What a wonderful weekend tradition, giving us all great memories.
Kudos to the players! They came together quickly and played some pretty exciting hockey! Our kids were true ambassadors – representing our city, state, and country. The way they buddied up with their Hamilton counterparts was genuine. They should be proud of their actions both on and off the ice.
A big thanks to all of you who generously opened your home to our Hamilton friends. This has always been the special ingredient that fosters the friendship and goodwill we experience. Through the years, the bond that has formed between athletes and their families has come to champion Flint and Hamilton as sister cities. Your kindness has continued this great tradition!
A huge shout-out to our volunteer coaches. We couldn’t do this without them. To the 14U Coaches, Jeremy Cook and Matt Bendall, who have been with us for the last 6 years. To Travis Perry (4 years) and Vincent Finateri (2 years) of the 12U team. And to first-time coaches Brett Coron, Jay Oliver, Jason Lockwood, and Camden Smith of the 10U team. We thank them all for their leadership, commitment, and guidance to their teams, but also for the CANUSA Philosophy.
Special thanks to Matt Walker and Kevin Staskowski at Perani’s Hockey World for their continued support of CANUSA Hockey. Their support goes way past the jerseys and t-shirts, which by the way were again awesome!
We thank Jeremy Torrey and the Flint Firebirds for their generous contributions to CANUSA Hockey. We will be working on a Flint Firebirds vs. Hamilton Bulldogs CANUSA Night on Friday, March 17th. Mark your calendars!
Thanks to Michelle Wisenbaugh and Crystal Fieldhouse for their support and hospitality. We are proud to call Crystal Fieldhouse our Home Arena.
Thanks to Sharky’s Sports Bar for hosting our Greet and Eat Gathering. They graciously welcomed our families to the successful icebreaker events.
A last but really foremost thanks to the Crim Fitness Foundation and the CANUSA Sponsors who make all of this possible. Special thanks to Chris Collins, Tony Sitko, Mike Maienbrook and their team for their leadership and hard work.
We feel very fortunate that our paths crossed this summer. Enjoy the rest of it, and good luck in your upcoming season. All the best to you who age out of CANUSA. To the rest of you, we hope to see you next summer for CANUSA tryouts, as we form teams to travel to Canada and “Experience the Friendship” at the 65th CANUSA Games!
Take Care,
Mark and Rico

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